Discount is automatically applied at checkout when customer uses the link provided by the partner. Discount valid for 45 days. This offer cannot be combined with any other offers. Documents created by Willful are not legally-binding until they have been printed and the testator - the person creating the will - has completed the steps as per the detailed instructions that come with each Willful document. Willful is best for simple and straightforward estates. Discount may not be redeemed for cash or cash equivalent. Willful reserves the right to changes its product or pricing at any time without notice to partner.
Create a legal will and notify key contacts named in your will.
Create your will and power of attorney documents, plan for your assets and funeral wishes.
All the benefits of the Premium Coverage plan for you and your family, for less.
Navigating POAs and living wills can be pretty confusing (especially since they have so many different names!) but here's a quick breakdown:
General Power of Attorney: Covers a wide range of transactions, while limited powers of attorney cover only specific situations. An ordinary power of attorney expires if you become mentally incompetent.
Durable Power of Attorney: Authorizes someone to act in a wide range of legal and business matters and remains in effect even if you are incapacitated. The POA can take effect immediately or can become effective only if you are incapacitated.
Enduring Power of Attorney: Can take effect as soon as you sign it. This is a legal document that lets your attorney continue acting for you if you become mentally incapable of managing your finances and property.
Special or Limited Power of Attorney: Allows an individual to give another person the ability to make certain legal or financial decisions on their behalf under specific, clearly laid-out circumstances.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreSimilar to executing a will, when signing your power of attorney documents you will need two witnesses. Both must be present with you when you sign, and they must also sign the documents themselves.
British Columbia, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Manitoba enduring power of attorney re: notarization: The Land Titles and Survey Authority of British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia require a notarized EPoA for registration which is a prerequisite to buying, selling, or otherwise transacting in real estate on another’s behalf. These are the only provinces Willful serves that require POA documents to be notarized, and notarization is only required by the Land Title and Survey Authority if someone is transacting real estate on your behalf.
In plain English: if you own property and your designated attorney may have to buy and sell property in the event you become incapacitated, your POA must be registered with the Land Title and Survey Authority. The LTSA won't register a POA unless it is either notarized itself, or has attached Statutory Declarations that are notarized. With Willful, our EPoA requires signatures from you, your chosen attorney(s) and two adult witnesses. Included with your documents are statutory declarations for your attorney(s) and witnesses which need to be notarized in order to satisfy the requirements of the Land Title and Survey Authority in your province.
Read the full article in our Learn CentrePower of Attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last Will and Testament only takes effect *after* you die.Willful Power of Attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful offers a hassle-free, 30-day money back guaranteed. Our mission is to help as many Canadians as we can create their legal will and powers of attorney. If you have reviewed your documents and feel like they do not fully meet your needs, please contact us at to speak to our customer service team.
Discount is automatically applied at checkout when customer uses the link provided by the partner. Discount valid for 45 days. This offer cannot be combined with any other offers. Documents created by Willful are not legally-binding until they have been printed and the testator - the person creating the will - has completed the steps as per the detailed instructions that come with each Willful document. Willful is best for simple and straightforward estates. Discount may not be redeemed for cash or cash equivalent. Willful reserves the right to changes its product or pricing at any time without notice to partner.
Oui! Nous travaillons avec un cabinet d’avocats et un notaire qui sont basés à Montréal, et nos documents satisfont aux exigences réglementaires québécoises. Nous sommes donc en mesure de vous aider à rédiger un testament valide au Québec. Pour être valides, les documents successoraux produits sur la plateforme Willful doivent être validés conformément aux lois en vigueur. Des instructions à cet effet, sont fournies avec chacun de ces documents.
Pas besoin de se rendre chez un avocat ou un notaire pour faire un testament au Québec. Un testament produit sur Willful a le même poids juridique qu’un testament rédigé par un avocat ou un notaire, tant qu’il satisfait aux exigences réglementaires en matière de signature et d’attestation par des témoins. Le testament 99 $ de Willful est ce que l’on appelle un « testament devant témoins », et ne nécessite aucune intervention de la part d’un avocat ni d’un notaire. Certaines personnes peuvent avoir besoin des conseils d’un avocat ou d’un notaire pour des questions plus complexes ou pour l’ajout de clauses personnalisées en sus de celles déjà offertes sur Willful. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr. e que Willful convienne, contactez-nous, nous sommes là pour vous aider.
L'homologation sert à valider qu'un testament répond aux exigences réglementaires énoncées dans le Code civil du Québec. Cette démarche juridique doit être initiée par le liquidateur désigné dans le testament ou par toute autre partie intéressée. Il est facile de déterminer si une homologation est nécessaire. Un testament préparé à l'aide du testament à 99 $ de Willful au Québec doit être homologué.
Pour en savoir plus, veuillez cliquer ici : guide de l’homologation testamentaire au Québec.
Willful offre un seul type de forfait au Québec. Un testament Willful coûte 99 $ et comprend la préparation d'un testament non notarié, qui doit être imprimé, signé et attesté par des témoins. Ce forfait doit être homologué après le décès.
Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici : grille de tarification de Willful
À l’heure actuelle, Willful offre uniquement la préparation de testaments au Québec. Nous envisageons par contre d’ajouter la production de mandats de protection. Pour plus d’information concernant les mandats de protection et pour obtenir gratuitement des formulaires, voir le site du Curateur public.
Le testament de Willful nécessite l'utilisation d'un stylo, car les testaments non notariés ne peuvent pas être signés numériquement. Vous devez imprimer un exemplaire papier, le signer et le faire authentifier par deux témoins.
Pour en savoir davantage, veuillez cliquer ici : le testament notarié au Québec.
Let’s face it, life can get busy and to-do lists can seem never-ending. At Willful, we did the heavy lifting to make estate planning as painless as possible while skipping an expensive visit to a lawyer. Unlock peace of mind knowing there’s a plan in place for you and your loved ones.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
Yes! We work with a Montreal-based law firm and notary partner, and our documents have been adapted to meet to all local requirements. We can help you create a legally-valid will in Quebec. Note that in order to be legally valid, you must follow the instructions to execute the documents according to provincial laws - Willful provides clear instructions with each document.
Read more about online wills in Quebec →
You do not need to visit a lawyer or notary to make a will in Quebec. As long as your will complies with the provincial requirements for signing/witnessing, a will created through Willful carries the same legal weight as one created by a lawyer or notary. Willful's $99 plan is what's called a "will in front of witnesses," which does not require any involvement by a lawyer or notary. The most common type of will in Quebec is called a notarial will - this type of will requires a notary to either draft or execute it. Some people may benefit from the advice of a lawyer or notary for complex matters, and might need customized language beyond what is offered on Willful. If you're not sure if Willful is right for you, reach out to our team and we'd be happy to provide more information.
Read more about legal wills in Quebec →The probate process is designed to confirm whether a will meets the formal requirements set out by the Quebec Civil Code. It is initiated by the will’s named liquidator, or any interested party. There’s a simple rule for whether probate is required: if you execute a notarial will, probate is not required (the Civil Code dictates that notarial wills are not subject to probate). If you have any other type of will, including Willful's $99 Will, probate is required. Notarial wills are the most common form of will executed in Quebec due to the fact that they don’t require probate when you pass away. This saves time and legal fees.
Learn more about probate in Quebec→
In Quebec, Willful offers a non-notarial for $99, which you print/sign/witness at home. This plan requires probate after you pass away.
More details on pricing →Willful is designed for Canadians who have assets, whether that’s property or something of monetary value. While the majority of Canadians can create a will using Willful, there are situations where your estate would be too complex for our software. An example of this could be if you own homes in multiple countries.
In addition to Quebec, Willful is available to residents of Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and British Columbia.
Click here to visit our site for the rest of Canada →
Discount applied automatically at checkout.
Let’s face it, life can get busy and to-do lists can seem never-ending. At Willful, we did the heavy lifting to make estate planning as painless as possible while skipping an expensive visit to a lawyer. Unlock peace of mind knowing there’s a plan in place for you and your loved ones.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
Yes! We work with a Montreal-based law firm and notary partner, and our documents have been adapted to meet to all local requirements. We can help you create a legally-valid will in Quebec. Note that in order to be legally valid, you must follow the instructions to execute the documents according to provincial laws - Willful provides clear instructions with each document.
Read more about online wills in Quebec →
You do not need to visit a lawyer or notary to make a will in Quebec. As long as your will complies with the provincial requirements for signing/witnessing, a will created through Willful carries the same legal weight as one created by a lawyer or notary. Willful's $99 plan is what's called a "will in front of witnesses," which does not require any involvement by a lawyer or notary. The most common type of will in Quebec is called a notarial will - this type of will requires a notary to either draft or execute it. Some people may benefit from the advice of a lawyer or notary for complex matters, and might need customized language beyond what is offered on Willful. If you're not sure if Willful is right for you, reach out to our team and we'd be happy to provide more information.
Read more about legal wills in Quebec →The probate process is designed to confirm whether a will meets the formal requirements set out by the Quebec Civil Code. It is initiated by the will’s named liquidator, or any interested party. There’s a simple rule for whether probate is required: if you execute a notarial will, probate is not required (the Civil Code dictates that notarial wills are not subject to probate). If you have any other type of will, including Willful's $99 Will, probate is required. Notarial wills are the most common form of will executed in Quebec due to the fact that they don’t require probate when you pass away. This saves time and legal fees.
Learn more about probate in Quebec→
In Quebec, Willful offers a non-notarial for $99, which you print/sign/witness at home. This plan requires probate after you pass away.
More details on pricing →Willful is designed for Canadians who have assets, whether that’s property or something of monetary value. While the majority of Canadians can create a will using Willful, there are situations where your estate would be too complex for our software. An example of this could be if you own homes in multiple countries.
In addition to Quebec, Willful is available to residents of Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and British Columbia.
Click here to visit our site for the rest of Canada →
Avec le rythme de vie effréné et de nombreuses obligations, plusieurs reportent la rédaction d’un testament à plus tard, craignant un processus long et complexe. Chez Willful, nous avons créé des outils pour vous aider et simplifier votre planification successorale, sans avoir à rencontrer un notaire ou avocat. Offrez-vous la paix d’esprit en sachant que vos avoirs seront légués selon vos volontés.
Vous n’êtes qu’à quelques clics de la tranquillité d’esprit et nous sommes toujours là pour vous aider !
Pour nous aider à mieux vous connaître, nous vous demandons quelques informations de base telles que votre nom, lieu de résidence et comment vous avez entendu parler de nous. Vous pouvez ensuite choisir le forfait qui correspond le mieux à vos besoins puis créer votre compte. Plus que 15 minutes pour franchir la ligne d'arrivée !
La plateforme Willful a été élaborée en collaboration avec des spécialistes en droit successoral. Elle est facile d’utilisation, permet d’être conforme aux formalités, et de personnaliser vos documents afin qu’ils attestent de vos volontés, tout en évitant erreurs et incohérences.
Vous avez complété le processus sur la plateforme Willful. Vos documents sont maintenant prêts à être imprimés et signés. Mais vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour n'importe quelle section, à tout moment !
Vous trouverez également des instructions détaillées pour vous assurer de répondre aux exigences légales permettant d'officialiser vos documents.
Oui! Nous travaillons avec un cabinet d’avocats et un notaire qui sont basés à Montréal, et nos documents satisfont aux exigences réglementaires québécoises. Nous sommes donc en mesure de vous aider à rédiger un testament valide au Québec. Pour être valides, les documents successoraux produits sur la plateforme Willful doivent être validés conformément aux lois en vigueur. Des instructions à cet effet, sont fournies avec chacun de ces documents.
Pas besoin de se rendre chez un avocat ou un notaire pour faire un testament au Québec. Un testament produit sur Willful a le même poids juridique qu’un testament rédigé par un avocat ou un notaire, tant qu’il satisfait aux exigences réglementaires en matière de signature et d’attestation par des témoins. Le testament 99 $ de Willful est ce que l’on appelle un « testament devant témoins », et ne nécessite aucune intervention de la part d’un avocat ni d’un notaire. Certaines personnes peuvent avoir besoin des conseils d’un avocat ou d’un notaire pour des questions plus complexes ou pour l’ajout de clauses personnalisées en sus de celles déjà offertes sur Willful. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr. e que Willful convienne, contactez-nous, nous sommes là pour vous aider.
L'homologation sert à valider qu'un testament répond aux exigences réglementaires énoncées dans le Code civil du Québec. Cette démarche juridique doit être initiée par le liquidateur désigné dans le testament ou par toute autre partie intéressée. Il est facile de déterminer si une homologation est nécessaire. Un testament préparé à l'aide du testament à 99 $ de Willful au Québec doit être homologué.
Pour en savoir plus, veuillez cliquer ici : guide de l’homologation testamentaire au Québec.
Willful offre un seul type de forfait au Québec. Un testament Willful coûte 99 $ et comprend la préparation d'un testament non notarié, qui doit être imprimé, signé et attesté par des témoins. Ce forfait doit être homologué après le décès.
Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici : grille de tarification de Willful
À l’heure actuelle, Willful offre uniquement la préparation de testaments au Québec. Nous envisageons par contre d’ajouter la production de mandats de protection. Pour plus d’information concernant les mandats de protection et pour obtenir gratuitement des formulaires, voir le site du Curateur public.
Le testament de Willful nécessite l'utilisation d'un stylo, car les testaments non notariés ne peuvent pas être signés numériquement. Vous devez imprimer un exemplaire papier, le signer et le faire authentifier par deux témoins.
Pour en savoir davantage, veuillez cliquer ici : le testament notarié au Québec.
Le rabais s’applique automatiquement à la caisse
Avec le rythme de vie effréné et de nombreuses obligations, plusieurs reportent la rédaction d’un testament à plus tard, craignant un processus long et complexe. Chez Willful, nous avons créé des outils pour vous aider et simplifier votre planification successorale, sans avoir à rencontrer un notaire ou avocat. Offrez-vous la paix d’esprit en sachant que vos avoirs seront légués selon vos volontés.
Vous n’êtes qu’à quelques clics de la tranquillité d’esprit et nous sommes toujours là pour vous aider !
Pour nous aider à mieux vous connaître, nous vous demandons quelques informations de base telles que votre nom, lieu de résidence et comment vous avez entendu parler de nous. Vous pouvez ensuite choisir le forfait qui correspond le mieux à vos besoins puis créer votre compte. Plus que 15 minutes pour franchir la ligne d'arrivée !
La plateforme Willful a été élaborée en collaboration avec des spécialistes en droit successoral. Elle est facile d’utilisation, permet d’être conforme aux formalités, et de personnaliser vos documents afin qu’ils attestent de vos volontés, tout en évitant erreurs et incohérences.
Vous avez complété le processus sur la plateforme Willful. Vos documents sont maintenant prêts à être imprimés et signés. Mais vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour n'importe quelle section, à tout moment !
Vous trouverez également des instructions détaillées pour vous assurer de répondre aux exigences légales permettant d'officialiser vos documents.
Let’s face it, life can get busy and to-do lists can seem never-ending. At Willful, we did the heavy lifting to make estate planning as painless as possible while skipping an expensive visit to a lawyer. Unlock peace of mind knowing there’s a plan in place for you and your loved ones.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
Create a legal will and notify key contacts named in your will.
Create your will and power of attorney documents, plan for your assets and funeral wishes.
All the benefits of the Premium Coverage plan for you and your family, for less.
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
‍Yes. An online will made with a platform like Willful is legal in Canada. However, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for it to meet the criteria for a legal will in Canada. Each Willful will comes with detailed instructions for signing and witnessing so you can feel confident that you have a legally-valid will.
Read more about online wills in our Learn CentreA person who dies without a will is called an intestate, and most people don’t know what happens if you die without one. It’s a common myth that the government can claim your money and assets, but it’s not true. They do have the ability to have a say in how your assets or estate gets divided between family members. Creating a will also means you can control how your assets are distributed to beneficiaries over time, instead of children receiving a lump sum when they turn 18.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreYou don’t need a lawyer to draft your will. In Canada, as long as the will is in writing, signed by you and two adult witnesses who are present at the same time, it’s legally valid. The signed original should be stored safely where your executor or family can access it. However, if your estate is complex, consulting a lawyer may be a good idea.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWhile most Canadian provinces require wills to be printed, signed, and stored as hard copies, British Columbia does allow for wills to be signed and stored electronically. We’re working to expand this option across Canada, but for now, customers in other provinces need to follow the traditional process to ensure their will is legally binding.
Power of attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last will and testament only takes effect *after* you die. Willful Power of attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful is designed for all Canadian adults, whether they have assets or not. While Willful is a great fit for most Canadians, some estates may be too complex for our platform.
Creating a legal will involves abiding with provincial and territorial laws. We are working with our team of estate lawyers to expand across Canada.
Right now our wills are  available to residents of all Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
We are also available to residents of Quebec.Â
Visit our site for Quebec residents →
Discount applied automatically at checkout.
Canada’s favourite do-it-yourself online will platform breaks down the estate planning process into simple steps, so you can create your last will and testament and power of attorney documents in 20 minutes or less. Willful documents are approved by lawyers in your province so you will enjoy peace of mind knowing your estate plan is legally-secure.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
Create and register a legal will, and notify key contacts named.
Create a legal will, power of attorney documents, and a comprehensive plan for your assets and funeral wishes.
All the benefits of the Premium Coverage plan for you and your family, for less.
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
‍Yes. An online will made with a platform like Willful is legal in Canada. However, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for it to meet the criteria for a legal will in Canada. Each Willful will comes with detailed instructions for signing and witnessing so you can feel confident that you have a legally-valid will.
Read more about online wills in our Learn CentreA person who dies without a will is called an intestate, and most people don’t know what happens if you die without one. It’s a common myth that the government can claim your money and assets, but it’s not true. They do have the ability to have a say in how your assets or estate gets divided between family members. Creating a will also means you can control how your assets are distributed to beneficiaries over time, instead of children receiving a lump sum when they turn 18.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreYou don’t need a lawyer to draft your will. In Canada, as long as the will is in writing, signed by you and two adult witnesses who are present at the same time, it’s legally valid. The signed original should be stored safely where your executor or family can access it. However, if your estate is complex, consulting a lawyer may be a good idea.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWhile most Canadian provinces require wills to be printed, signed, and stored as hard copies, British Columbia does allow for wills to be signed and stored electronically. We’re working to expand this option across Canada, but for now, customers in other provinces need to follow the traditional process to ensure their will is legally binding.
Power of attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last will and testament only takes effect *after* you die. Willful Power of attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful is designed for all Canadian adults, whether they have assets or not. While Willful is a great fit for most Canadians, some estates may be too complex for our platform.
Creating a legal will involves abiding with provincial and territorial laws. We are working with our team of estate lawyers to expand across Canada.
Right now our wills are  available to residents of all Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
We are also available to residents of Quebec.Â
Visit our site for Quebec residents →
Canada’s favourite do-it-yourself online will platform breaks down the estate planning process into simple steps, so you can create your last will and testament and power of attorney documents in 20 minutes or less. Willful documents are approved by lawyers in your province so you will enjoy peace of mind knowing your estate plan is legally-secure.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
Create a legal will and notify key contacts named in your will.
Create your will and power of attorney documents, plan for your assets and funeral wishes.
All the benefits of the Premium Coverage plan for you and your family, for less.
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
‍Yes. An online will made with a platform like Willful is legal in Canada. However, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for it to meet the criteria for a legal will in Canada. Each Willful will comes with detailed instructions for signing and witnessing so you can feel confident that you have a legally-valid will.
Read more about online wills in our Learn CentreA person who dies without a will is called an intestate, and most people don’t know what happens if you die without one. It’s a common myth that the government can claim your money and assets, but it’s not true. They do have the ability to have a say in how your assets or estate gets divided between family members. Creating a will also means you can control how your assets are distributed to beneficiaries over time, instead of children receiving a lump sum when they turn 18.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreYou don’t need a lawyer to draft your will. In Canada, as long as the will is in writing, signed by you and two adult witnesses who are present at the same time, it’s legally valid. The signed original should be stored safely where your executor or family can access it. However, if your estate is complex, consulting a lawyer may be a good idea.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWhile most Canadian provinces require wills to be printed, signed, and stored as hard copies, British Columbia does allow for wills to be signed and stored electronically. We’re working to expand this option across Canada, but for now, customers in other provinces need to follow the traditional process to ensure their will is legally binding.
Power of attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last will and testament only takes effect *after* you die. Willful Power of attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful is designed for all Canadian adults, whether they have assets or not. While Willful is a great fit for most Canadians, some estates may be too complex for our platform.
Creating a legal will involves abiding with provincial and territorial laws. We are working with our team of estate lawyers to expand across Canada.
Right now our wills are  available to residents of all Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
We are also available to residents of Quebec.Â
Visit our site for Quebec residents →
Arbor Memorial Inc.
Canada’s favourite do-it-yourself online will platform breaks down the estate planning process into simple steps, so you can create your last will and testament and power of attorney documents in 20 minutes or less. Willful documents are approved by lawyers in your province so you will enjoy peace of mind knowing your estate plan is legally-secure.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
‍Yes. An online will made with a platform like Willful is legal in Canada. However, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for it to meet the criteria for a legal will in Canada. Each Willful will comes with detailed instructions for signing and witnessing so you can feel confident that you have a legally-valid will.
Read more about online wills in our Learn CentreA person who dies without a will is called an intestate, and most people don’t know what happens if you die without one. It’s a common myth that the government can claim your money and assets, but it’s not true. They do have the ability to have a say in how your assets or estate gets divided between family members. Creating a will also means you can control how your assets are distributed to beneficiaries over time, instead of children receiving a lump sum when they turn 18.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreYou don’t need a lawyer to draft your will. In Canada, as long as the will is in writing, signed by you and two adult witnesses who are present at the same time, it’s legally valid. The signed original should be stored safely where your executor or family can access it. However, if your estate is complex, consulting a lawyer may be a good idea.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWhile most Canadian provinces require wills to be printed, signed, and stored as hard copies, British Columbia does allow for wills to be signed and stored electronically. We’re working to expand this option across Canada, but for now, customers in other provinces need to follow the traditional process to ensure their will is legally binding.
Power of attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last will and testament only takes effect *after* you die. Willful Power of attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful is designed for all Canadian adults, whether they have assets or not. While Willful is a great fit for most Canadians, some estates may be too complex for our platform.
Creating a legal will involves abiding with provincial and territorial laws. We are working with our team of estate lawyers to expand across Canada.
Right now our wills are  available to residents of all Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
We are also available to residents of Quebec.Â
Visit our site for Quebec residents →
Discount applied automatically at checkout.
Canada’s favourite do-it-yourself online will platform breaks down the estate planning process into simple steps, so you can create your last will and testament and power of attorney documents in 20 minutes or less. Willful documents are approved by lawyers in your province so you will enjoy peace of mind knowing your estate plan is legally-secure.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
Create a legal will and notify key contacts named in your will.
Create your will and power of attorney documents, plan for your assets and funeral wishes.
All the benefits of the Premium Coverage plan for you and your family, for less.
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
‍Yes. An online will made with a platform like Willful is legal in Canada. However, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for it to meet the criteria for a legal will in Canada. Each Willful will comes with detailed instructions for signing and witnessing so you can feel confident that you have a legally-valid will.
Read more about online wills in our Learn CentreA person who dies without a will is called an intestate, and most people don’t know what happens if you die without one. It’s a common myth that the government can claim your money and assets, but it’s not true. They do have the ability to have a say in how your assets or estate gets divided between family members. Creating a will also means you can control how your assets are distributed to beneficiaries over time, instead of children receiving a lump sum when they turn 18.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreYou don’t need a lawyer to draft your will. In Canada, as long as the will is in writing, signed by you and two adult witnesses who are present at the same time, it’s legally valid. The signed original should be stored safely where your executor or family can access it. However, if your estate is complex, consulting a lawyer may be a good idea.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWhile most Canadian provinces require wills to be printed, signed, and stored as hard copies, British Columbia does allow for wills to be signed and stored electronically. We’re working to expand this option across Canada, but for now, customers in other provinces need to follow the traditional process to ensure their will is legally binding.
Power of attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last will and testament only takes effect *after* you die. Willful Power of attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful is designed for all Canadian adults, whether they have assets or not. While Willful is a great fit for most Canadians, some estates may be too complex for our platform.
Creating a legal will involves abiding with provincial and territorial laws. We are working with our team of estate lawyers to expand across Canada.
Right now our wills are  available to residents of all Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
We are also available to residents of Quebec.Â
Visit our site for Quebec residents →
Let’s face it, life can get busy and to-do lists can seem never-ending. At Willful, we did the heavy lifting to make estate planning as painless as possible while skipping an expensive visit to a lawyer. Unlock peace of mind knowing there’s a plan in place for you and your loved ones.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
Create a legal will and notify key contacts named in your will.
Create your will and power of attorney documents, plan for your assets and funeral wishes.
All the benefits of the Premium Coverage plan for you and your family, for less.
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
‍Yes. An online will made with a platform like Willful is legal in Canada. However, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for it to meet the criteria for a legal will in Canada. Each Willful will comes with detailed instructions for signing and witnessing so you can feel confident that you have a legally-valid will.
Read more about online wills in our Learn CentreA person who dies without a will is called an intestate, and most people don’t know what happens if you die without one. It’s a common myth that the government can claim your money and assets, but it’s not true. They do have the ability to have a say in how your assets or estate gets divided between family members. Creating a will also means you can control how your assets are distributed to beneficiaries over time, instead of children receiving a lump sum when they turn 18.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreYou don’t need a lawyer to draft your will. In Canada, as long as the will is in writing, signed by you and two adult witnesses who are present at the same time, it’s legally valid. The signed original should be stored safely where your executor or family can access it. However, if your estate is complex, consulting a lawyer may be a good idea.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWhile most Canadian provinces require wills to be printed, signed, and stored as hard copies, British Columbia does allow for wills to be signed and stored electronically. We’re working to expand this option across Canada, but for now, customers in other provinces need to follow the traditional process to ensure their will is legally binding.
Power of attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last will and testament only takes effect *after* you die. Willful Power of attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful is designed for all Canadian adults, whether they have assets or not. While Willful is a great fit for most Canadians, some estates may be too complex for our platform.
Creating a legal will involves abiding with provincial and territorial laws. We are working with our team of estate lawyers to expand across Canada.
Right now our wills are  available to residents of all Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
We are also available to residents of Quebec.Â
Visit our site for Quebec residents →
Let’s face it, life can get busy and to-do lists can seem never-ending. At Willful, we did the heavy lifting to make estate planning as painless as possible while skipping an expensive visit to a lawyer. Unlock peace of mind knowing there’s a plan in place for you and your loved ones.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
Yes! We work with a Montreal-based law firm and notary partner, and our documents have been adapted to meet to all local requirements. We can help you create a legally-valid will in Quebec. Note that in order to be legally valid, you must follow the instructions to execute the documents according to provincial laws - Willful provides clear instructions with each document.
Read more about online wills in Quebec →
You do not need to visit a lawyer or notary to make a will in Quebec. As long as your will complies with the provincial requirements for signing/witnessing, a will created through Willful carries the same legal weight as one created by a lawyer or notary. Willful's $99 plan is what's called a "will in front of witnesses," which does not require any involvement by a lawyer or notary. The most common type of will in Quebec is called a notarial will - this type of will requires a notary to either draft or execute it. Some people may benefit from the advice of a lawyer or notary for complex matters, and might need customized language beyond what is offered on Willful. If you're not sure if Willful is right for you, reach out to our team and we'd be happy to provide more information.
Read more about legal wills in Quebec →The probate process is designed to confirm whether a will meets the formal requirements set out by the Quebec Civil Code. It is initiated by the will’s named liquidator, or any interested party. There’s a simple rule for whether probate is required: if you execute a notarial will, probate is not required (the Civil Code dictates that notarial wills are not subject to probate). If you have any other type of will, including Willful's $99 Will, probate is required. Notarial wills are the most common form of will executed in Quebec due to the fact that they don’t require probate when you pass away. This saves time and legal fees.
Learn more about probate in Quebec→
In Quebec, Willful offers a non-notarial for $99, which you print/sign/witness at home. This plan requires probate after you pass away.
More details on pricing →Willful is designed for Canadians who have assets, whether that’s property or something of monetary value. While the majority of Canadians can create a will using Willful, there are situations where your estate would be too complex for our software. An example of this could be if you own homes in multiple countries.
In addition to Quebec, Willful is available to residents of Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, and British Columbia.
Click here to visit our site for the rest of Canada →
Avec le rythme de vie effréné et de nombreuses obligations, plusieurs reportent la rédaction d’un testament à plus tard, craignant un processus long et complexe. Chez Willful, nous avons créé des outils pour vous aider et simplifier votre planification successorale, sans avoir à rencontrer un notaire ou avocat. Offrez-vous la paix d’esprit en sachant que vos avoirs seront légués selon vos volontés.
Vous n’êtes qu’à quelques clics de la tranquillité d’esprit et nous sommes toujours là pour vous aider !
Pour nous aider à mieux vous connaître, nous vous demandons quelques informations de base telles que votre nom, lieu de résidence et comment vous avez entendu parler de nous. Vous pouvez ensuite choisir le forfait qui correspond le mieux à vos besoins puis créer votre compte. Plus que 15 minutes pour franchir la ligne d'arrivée !
La plateforme Willful a été élaborée en collaboration avec des spécialistes en droit successoral. Elle est facile d’utilisation, permet d’être conforme aux formalités, et de personnaliser vos documents afin qu’ils attestent de vos volontés, tout en évitant erreurs et incohérences.
Vous avez complété le processus sur la plateforme Willful. Vos documents sont maintenant prêts à être imprimés et signés. Mais vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour n'importe quelle section, à tout moment !
Vous trouverez également des instructions détaillées pour vous assurer de répondre aux exigences légales permettant d'officialiser vos documents.
Oui! Nous travaillons avec un cabinet d’avocats et un notaire qui sont basés à Montréal, et nos documents satisfont aux exigences réglementaires québécoises. Nous sommes donc en mesure de vous aider à rédiger un testament valide au Québec. Pour être valides, les documents successoraux produits sur la plateforme Willful doivent être validés conformément aux lois en vigueur. Des instructions à cet effet, sont fournies avec chacun de ces documents.
Pas besoin de se rendre chez un avocat ou un notaire pour faire un testament au Québec. Un testament produit sur Willful a le même poids juridique qu’un testament rédigé par un avocat ou un notaire, tant qu’il satisfait aux exigences réglementaires en matière de signature et d’attestation par des témoins. Le testament 99 $ de Willful est ce que l’on appelle un « testament devant témoins », et ne nécessite aucune intervention de la part d’un avocat ni d’un notaire. Certaines personnes peuvent avoir besoin des conseils d’un avocat ou d’un notaire pour des questions plus complexes ou pour l’ajout de clauses personnalisées en sus de celles déjà offertes sur Willful. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr. e que Willful convienne, contactez-nous, nous sommes là pour vous aider.
L'homologation sert à valider qu'un testament répond aux exigences réglementaires énoncées dans le Code civil du Québec. Cette démarche juridique doit être initiée par le liquidateur désigné dans le testament ou par toute autre partie intéressée. Il est facile de déterminer si une homologation est nécessaire. Un testament préparé à l'aide du testament à 99 $ de Willful au Québec doit être homologué.
Pour en savoir plus, veuillez cliquer ici : guide de l’homologation testamentaire au Québec.
Willful offre un seul type de forfait au Québec. Un testament Willful coûte 99 $ et comprend la préparation d'un testament non notarié, qui doit être imprimé, signé et attesté par des témoins. Ce forfait doit être homologué après le décès.
Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici : grille de tarification de Willful
À l’heure actuelle, Willful offre uniquement la préparation de testaments au Québec. Nous envisageons par contre d’ajouter la production de mandats de protection. Pour plus d’information concernant les mandats de protection et pour obtenir gratuitement des formulaires, voir le site du Curateur public.
Le testament de Willful nécessite l'utilisation d'un stylo, car les testaments non notariés ne peuvent pas être signés numériquement. Vous devez imprimer un exemplaire papier, le signer et le faire authentifier par deux témoins.
Pour en savoir davantage, veuillez cliquer ici : le testament notarié au Québec.
Let’s face it, life can get busy and to-do lists can seem never-ending. At Willful, we did the heavy lifting to make estate planning as painless as possible while skipping an expensive visit to a lawyer. Unlock peace of mind knowing there’s a plan in place for you and your loved ones.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
‍Yes. An online will made with a platform like Willful is legal in Canada. However, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for it to meet the criteria for a legal will in Canada. Each Willful will comes with detailed instructions for signing and witnessing so you can feel confident that you have a legally-valid will.
Read more about online wills in our Learn CentreA person who dies without a will is called an intestate, and most people don’t know what happens if you die without one. It’s a common myth that the government can claim your money and assets, but it’s not true. They do have the ability to have a say in how your assets or estate gets divided between family members. Creating a will also means you can control how your assets are distributed to beneficiaries over time, instead of children receiving a lump sum when they turn 18.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreYou don’t need a lawyer to draft your will. In Canada, as long as the will is in writing, signed by you and two adult witnesses who are present at the same time, it’s legally valid. The signed original should be stored safely where your executor or family can access it. However, if your estate is complex, consulting a lawyer may be a good idea.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWhile most Canadian provinces require wills to be printed, signed, and stored as hard copies, British Columbia does allow for wills to be signed and stored electronically. We’re working to expand this option across Canada, but for now, customers in other provinces need to follow the traditional process to ensure their will is legally binding.
Power of attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last will and testament only takes effect *after* you die. Willful Power of attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful is designed for all Canadian adults, whether they have assets or not. While Willful is a great fit for most Canadians, some estates may be too complex for our platform.
Creating a legal will involves abiding with provincial and territorial laws. We are working with our team of estate lawyers to expand across Canada.
Right now our wills are  available to residents of all Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
We are also available to residents of Quebec.Â
Visit our site for Quebec residents →
Let’s face it, life can get busy and to-do lists can seem never-ending. At Willful, we did the heavy lifting to make estate planning as painless as possible while skipping an expensive visit to a lawyer. Unlock peace of mind knowing there’s a plan in place for you and your loved ones.
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
‍Yes. An online will made with a platform like Willful is legal in Canada. However, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for it to meet the criteria for a legal will in Canada. Each Willful will comes with detailed instructions for signing and witnessing so you can feel confident that you have a legally-valid will.
Read more about online wills in our Learn CentreA person who dies without a will is called an intestate, and most people don’t know what happens if you die without one. It’s a common myth that the government can claim your money and assets, but it’s not true. They do have the ability to have a say in how your assets or estate gets divided between family members. Creating a will also means you can control how your assets are distributed to beneficiaries over time, instead of children receiving a lump sum when they turn 18.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreYou don’t need a lawyer to draft your will. In Canada, as long as the will is in writing, signed by you and two adult witnesses who are present at the same time, it’s legally valid. The signed original should be stored safely where your executor or family can access it. However, if your estate is complex, consulting a lawyer may be a good idea.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWhile most Canadian provinces require wills to be printed, signed, and stored as hard copies, British Columbia does allow for wills to be signed and stored electronically. We’re working to expand this option across Canada, but for now, customers in other provinces need to follow the traditional process to ensure their will is legally binding.
Power of attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last will and testament only takes effect *after* you die. Willful Power of attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful is designed for all Canadian adults, whether they have assets or not. While Willful is a great fit for most Canadians, some estates may be too complex for our platform.
Creating a legal will involves abiding with provincial and territorial laws. We are working with our team of estate lawyers to expand across Canada.
Right now our wills are  available to residents of all Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
We are also available to residents of Quebec.Â
Visit our site for Quebec residents →
Let’s face it, life can get busy and to-do lists can seem never-ending. At Willful, we did the heavy lifting to make estate planning as painless as possible while skipping an expensive visit to a lawyer. Unlock peace of mind knowing there’s a plan in place for you and your loved ones.
You're only a few clicks away from peace of mind and we're always here to help!
To help us get to know you better, we ask you for a few basic details such as your name, location and what brought you to us. You can then select the plan that best suits your needs and after you create your account, you're only 15 minutes away from the finish line!
We worked with experienced estate lawyers to create a seamless experience to help you cover all your bases. You answer the questions, our technology customizes legal documents to best represent your wishes while avoiding common errors and contradictions.
You've gone through the Willful platform and have paid to access your documents, so you're now ready to print and sign them! We'll give you detailed instructions to make sure your documents follow the legal requirements to make them official. If needed, you can easily make changes, anytime.
‍Yes. An online will made with a platform like Willful is legal in Canada. However, there are some steps that need to be taken in order for it to meet the criteria for a legal will in Canada. Each Willful will comes with detailed instructions for signing and witnessing so you can feel confident that you have a legally-valid will.
Read more about online wills in our Learn CentreA person who dies without a will is called an intestate, and most people don’t know what happens if you die without one. It’s a common myth that the government can claim your money and assets, but it’s not true. They do have the ability to have a say in how your assets or estate gets divided between family members. Creating a will also means you can control how your assets are distributed to beneficiaries over time, instead of children receiving a lump sum when they turn 18.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreYou don’t need a lawyer to draft your will. In Canada, as long as the will is in writing, signed by you and two adult witnesses who are present at the same time, it’s legally valid. The signed original should be stored safely where your executor or family can access it. However, if your estate is complex, consulting a lawyer may be a good idea.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWhile most Canadian provinces require wills to be printed, signed, and stored as hard copies, British Columbia does allow for wills to be signed and stored electronically. We’re working to expand this option across Canada, but for now, customers in other provinces need to follow the traditional process to ensure their will is legally binding.
Power of attorney documents govern your personal, medical, legal, and financial life *before* you pass away. In contrast, your Last will and testament only takes effect *after* you die. Willful Power of attorney documents are intended to be used in a personal accident or medical emergency on your behalf. In a legal sense, their powers 'endure' beyond your mental incapacity.
Read the full article in our Learn CentreWillful is designed for all Canadian adults, whether they have assets or not. While Willful is a great fit for most Canadians, some estates may be too complex for our platform.
Creating a legal will involves abiding with provincial and territorial laws. We are working with our team of estate lawyers to expand across Canada.
Right now our wills are  available to residents of all Canadian provinces, including Ontario, Alberta, B.C., Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, PEI, Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan.
We are also available to residents of Quebec.Â
Visit our site for Quebec residents →
Avec le rythme de vie effréné et de nombreuses obligations, plusieurs reportent la rédaction d’un testament à plus tard, craignant un processus long et complexe. Chez Willful, nous avons créé des outils pour vous aider et simplifier votre planification successorale, sans avoir à rencontrer un notaire ou avocat. Offrez-vous la paix d’esprit en sachant que vos avoirs seront légués selon vos volontés.
Vous n’êtes qu’à quelques clics de la tranquillité d’esprit et nous sommes toujours là pour vous aider !
Pour nous aider à mieux vous connaître, nous vous demandons quelques informations de base telles que votre nom, lieu de résidence et comment vous avez entendu parler de nous. Vous pouvez ensuite choisir le forfait qui correspond le mieux à vos besoins puis créer votre compte. Plus que 15 minutes pour franchir la ligne d'arrivée !
La plateforme Willful a été élaborée en collaboration avec des spécialistes en droit successoral. Elle est facile d’utilisation, permet d’être conforme aux formalités, et de personnaliser vos documents afin qu’ils attestent de vos volontés, tout en évitant erreurs et incohérences.
Vous avez complété le processus sur la plateforme Willful. Vos documents sont maintenant prêts à être imprimés et signés. Mais vous pouvez modifier et mettre à jour n'importe quelle section, à tout moment !
Vous trouverez également des instructions détaillées pour vous assurer de répondre aux exigences légales permettant d'officialiser vos documents.
Oui! Nous travaillons avec un cabinet d’avocats et un notaire qui sont basés à Montréal, et nos documents satisfont aux exigences réglementaires québécoises. Nous sommes donc en mesure de vous aider à rédiger un testament valide au Québec. Pour être valides, les documents successoraux produits sur la plateforme Willful doivent être validés conformément aux lois en vigueur. Des instructions à cet effet, sont fournies avec chacun de ces documents.
Pas besoin de se rendre chez un avocat ou un notaire pour faire un testament au Québec. Un testament produit sur Willful a le même poids juridique qu’un testament rédigé par un avocat ou un notaire, tant qu’il satisfait aux exigences réglementaires en matière de signature et d’attestation par des témoins. Le testament 99 $ de Willful est ce que l’on appelle un « testament devant témoins », et ne nécessite aucune intervention de la part d’un avocat ni d’un notaire. Certaines personnes peuvent avoir besoin des conseils d’un avocat ou d’un notaire pour des questions plus complexes ou pour l’ajout de clauses personnalisées en sus de celles déjà offertes sur Willful. Si vous n’êtes pas sûr. e que Willful convienne, contactez-nous, nous sommes là pour vous aider.
L'homologation sert à valider qu'un testament répond aux exigences réglementaires énoncées dans le Code civil du Québec. Cette démarche juridique doit être initiée par le liquidateur désigné dans le testament ou par toute autre partie intéressée. Il est facile de déterminer si une homologation est nécessaire. Un testament préparé à l'aide du testament à 99 $ de Willful au Québec doit être homologué.
Pour en savoir plus, veuillez cliquer ici : guide de l’homologation testamentaire au Québec.
Willful offre un seul type de forfait au Québec. Un testament Willful coûte 99 $ et comprend la préparation d'un testament non notarié, qui doit être imprimé, signé et attesté par des témoins. Ce forfait doit être homologué après le décès.
Pour en savoir plus, cliquez ici : grille de tarification de Willful
À l’heure actuelle, Willful offre uniquement la préparation de testaments au Québec. Nous envisageons par contre d’ajouter la production de mandats de protection. Pour plus d’information concernant les mandats de protection et pour obtenir gratuitement des formulaires, voir le site du Curateur public.
Le testament de Willful nécessite l'utilisation d'un stylo, car les testaments non notariés ne peuvent pas être signés numériquement. Vous devez imprimer un exemplaire papier, le signer et le faire authentifier par deux témoins.
Pour en savoir davantage, veuillez cliquer ici : le testament notarié au Québec.