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Articles in this section

Beneficiary Basics

The beneficiaries section is one of the most important in a last will and testament. Learn how to gift your financial, property, and sentimental assets.

All About Legacy Gifts!

In this article, we explain everything you should know about legacy gifts – what they are, how to leave one in your will, and the benefits of planned giving.

Wills And Debt: What Happens To Your Debt When You Die In Canada?

Can you pass on debt? Will you inherit your parents debt? Here’s everything you need to know about debt and what happens when you pass away.

Everything You Need To Know About Inheritance Law In Canada

Learn how estates are taxed and assets and debts are distributed when someone dies in Canada, whether or not they have a legal, valid will.

What Does an Executor Have to Disclose to Beneficiaries?

Find out what an executor has to disclose to beneficiaries in Canada, and what rights beneficiaries have.
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